Thursday, September 11, 2008

First Post

We are new to this blogging thing so at this point we are still trying to figure out what exactly to include in our Blog. Our desire here is to keep in touch with friends and family and provide an interesting point of view on the world. You say how is it you say your point of view is so interesting. Well we have the 6 most amazing children on earth, me and my wife are deeply and passionately in love (also best friends), and we are focused (even though sometimes it gets a little hazy) on the giver of life and redeemer of the world. All of those plus many other blessings give us a deep Joy beyond what pleasures of this earth can bring.

This is the first of many post to come. Some will be written by Angie some by Me. Even though I am sure you will not like her post as well please do not tell her so. Bye for now.


1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that you guys are going to blog now. We always want more updates on the family. I am so excited to read and keep up with you guys
